Kamis, 08 Oktober 2015

Fruit for Young Pregnant Women Should Consumed

In this article we will discuss about the various pieces for young pregnant women should be consumed. For those of you who are going through the first trimester of pregnancy or very well to read this article as knowledge in caring for and provide the best for your pregnancy. At the time of pregnancy is not allowed to indiscriminate in choosing fruit. Apples, Grapes, and Strawberry including a very good fruit to be consumed during early pregnancy. But did you know that fruit Pomegranate, Pineapple, and Durian including food causes of miscarriage should be avoided?

Pregnancy must be maintained as best as possible so that the mother can maternity smoothly and the baby was born healthy without lacking anything. In addition to the need to reduce the daily activities do not work too hard and lifting weights too heavy for one, food consumption should also be considered. There are a variety of food that will be very nice when consumed by a normal person or not pregnant, but will give the opposite effect for those who are pregnant.
A great example is the pomegranate fruit, when consumed in normal circumstances, will be able to help the fruit weight loss diet and reduce the risk of diabetes. Even supposedly can help cure cancer. But beware of eating fruits Pomegranate if you are pregnant. This fruit can cause miscarriage when consumed in excess only slightly. You should avoid this fruit just to be safe. But it could have entered the second trimester you can eat a little of this fruit.Some Kinds of Fruit for Young Pregnant Women
hamilUntuk mother of fruit to get the most you should always try to eat fruits fresh or not preserved. Consumption of fruits are varied enough highly recommended. Pregnant women need a lot of nutrients that not everything can be fulfilled only with fruits. Vegetables, dairy and marine products, including foods that are good for the first trimester pregnant women besides fruits. Including nuts that contain folic acid.
In this article we will discuss further on several kinds of fruit for young pregnant women who are highly recommended in order to maintain the health of the mother's body and fetus in the womb. And here are some of them.

Dragon fruit
In recent years this fruit became popular among the public. Behind the uniqueness of names and forms, turns dragon fruit to save thousands of properties for health. One of them is the benefits for pregnant women. Fruit dragon fruit is ripe it can help remove phlegm usually is often experienced by pregnant women. Besides, the dragon fruit is also one of the fruits that are very rarely use pesticides making it safe for consumption by pregnant women.

Fruit for the next first trimester pregnant women are Apples. As we all know, the apple is one of the most popular fruit in the community. Not only because it tastes delicious, but the apples it also has many benefits for health. It was sweet, slightly sour and is usually consumed with the skin. The content of vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, and vitamin C contained in apples along with the contents of other considered to be very beneficial for pregnant women.

Selasa, 05 Mei 2015

Cara menghilangkan karang gigi

Cara menghilangkan karang gigi
1. Biji asam kawak
- Panggang biji asam kawak.
- Lalu haluskan.
- Gunakan bubuk ini untuk gosok gigi.
- Bisa menggunakan sikat gigi atau dengan mengunakan kapas.
- Lalu bersihkan dengan air.
- Lakukan hal ini secara rutin.

2. Cengkeh
- Siapkan 7 siung cengkeh.
- Lalu tumbuk sampai halus.
- Gunakan hasil tumbukan untuk menggosok gigi.
- setelah selesai bilas dengan air.
- Lakukan secara rutin untuk hasil yang maksimal.

3. Buah apel
Memakan buah apel yang dikupas kulitnya bisa membantu membersihkan gigi dari tartar(karang gigi), selain manfaat dan kandungan gizinya, apel bisa menjaga gigi Anda dari plak, deng
an mengonsumsi secara rutin.

Resep Kue Basah

Kue basah yang akan saya bahas kali ini adalah makana khas tradisional indonesia, cara membuat kue basah ini cukup mudah berikut bahan yang perlu dipresiapkan dan cara-cara membuatnya:
Bahan utama :

  • 600 ml santan dari 1 btr kelapa
  • 1/4 sdt Garam atau secukupnya
  • 1/4 sdt vanili atau secukupnya
  • daun pandan secukupnya
  • 200 gr tepung beras
  • 100 gr sagu kanji

Bahan B :
  • Daun pisang secukupnya untuk bungkus
  • Pisang raja/kepok secukupnya, potong serong

Cara Membuat :
  1. Campurkan semua bahan utama
  2. Masaka sambil diaduk hingga mengental. 
  3. Jika sudah mengental matikan api.
  4. Ambil 2 sendok makan adonan lalu letakan di atas daun pisang lalu dibungkus jangan lupa masukan terlebih dahulu potongan pisangnya.
  5. Kukus selama 30 menit.
  6. Sajikan selagi hangat agar lebih nikmat
Selamat Mencoba dan semoga enak :)

Merubah Domain Blog Menjadi Domain Sendiri

Merubah Domain Blog Menjadi Domain Sendiri

Kali ini saya akan membahas bagaimana cara merubah Domain Blog menjadi Domain sendiri, Baik langsung saja setelah login ke blok masing-masing lalu masuk kedaftar enrti dan
1. Klik Setelan.

2. Klik tambahkan domain khusus Pada Panerbitan.

3. klik Alihkan kesetelan selanjutnya.

4.Ketikan nama domain kalian dengan menambahkan www.

5. Klik simpan
6. Abaikan peringatan ini

7. Masuk ke penyedia layanan domain anda misal cc.cc
8. Lalu klik Manage Domain, pada Point to klik setup

9.Klik  Edit Setting.

10. Pilih Blogger (DNS).

11. Kembali ke blog lalu copy dan paste CNAMEnya di kolom yang tersedia.

12. Klik Step 1

13. Masukan kata kunci, lalu klik step 2.

14. Setelah muncul pesan seperti ini kembali ke blog.
15. klik simpan lagi.
16. Lalu Klik edit pada penerbitan

17. Beri tanda cek pada Alihkan ilmu-it.cc.cc ke www.ilmu-it.cc.cc.

18. Klik simpan
19. Tunggu 30menit-48jam, domain anda akan berubah

sekian penjelasan singkat saya.